Devonmade Creative Children's Birthday Parties

Looking for something creative and different for your child's birthday... Look no further than Devonmade's Workshop!

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Art Birthday Party

Let's get creative and celebrate, this fun filled birthday is for any creative art lovers. Children will paint their own canvas in a theme of their choice, and be able to take their paintings home. Bespoke cupcakes and drinks included.

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Craft Birthday Party

Just as creative at the craft birthday party the children will make something to take home and keep, from plant pot painting to pom pom making. Tailored to suit your child.
Bespoke cupcakes and drinks included.


1.5 Hour Party

6 Children

7 Children

8 Children

9 Children

10 Children

Art Party






Craft Party






Party Booking

Please fill out the form below to enquire about booking your party:

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